The power of new media realities is that everyone who cares
to have a voice now has a voice.
The world has not only changed, that change is in itself
increasingly changing. While survival in the old world depended on how well one
could think outside of the proverbial box, these days to be at the very top of
the world you must do away with the box in its entirety. You don’t need the
box. The world is our space and this space is endless. To be at the forefront
of the cascading events that define and are redefining the world, we must bench
mark ourselves against these realities. Whether or not we move on as a people
or country, the world will continue to move forward. It is on this premise that
I seek to address the quasi Bloggers who have suddenly realized that Bloggers
should not exist in the Nigerian conversation space. I don’t find this funny
but I find the part where these same folks use blogs to pass their message
across as absurdly funny. It is like posting bills on walls about not posting
bills on walls. This is of course not absurd in a place where people use
BlackBerry broadcasts to warn people about BlackBerry broadcasts. It is
certainly normal to see this as normal in a country where serially indicted
public officials emphasize the need for transparency and accountability. This
is of course absurd if we benchmark our common sense on the expectations of the