About hamzy!

Hamzy! :) 
Hamzat Bala Lawal (Hamzy!) is a young Information Technology Analyst, an International Volunteer, an Advocate for change, a freelance photographer and an activist who is passionate about Youth, Volunteering, Climate Change and Sustainable Development activities.

Over the last Four years, I have poured energy into helping design and enact Africa’s first national climate change legislation for my dear country, Nigeria. I helped in identifying influential partners and young individuals to help advocate for a clear policy frame work on environmental policies in Nigeria. I have also contributed in drafting Nigerian youth position papers to international conferences.

In a coordinated effort to advocate on environmental policies in Nigeria, I joined forces with other passionate youth to form a strong youth coalition, bringing young people from different fields and backgrounds down to grass root, using various social media platforms and partnering with the local media in putting pressure on the lawmakers, knowing the importance of having the Nigeria ClimateChange Commission bill passed into law.

Round Table Discussion.
It has been an exciting experience working with environmental reporters and other passionate young activist in reaching out to massive numbers of people in the rural communities on the present danger we face and how to tackle it together, as this is a fight for all!

Among others, I have facilitated discussions on ‘Oil Spillage in the Niger Deltaregion’ and the role of policy makers, CSOs, NGO’s, international communities, private sector as well as youth in addressing the issue.

I have always stressed the need for young people around the world to take actions to tackle the threats associated with climate change, most especially in Africa, as we are the most vulnerable continent.

Group Photograph - Abuja+20 (mycity+20)
Prior to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) I led a group of youth under SustainNIGERIA platform with support from OXFAM Nigeria, UNIDO Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Environment, Fresh & Young BrainDevelopment Initiative, Life Impact Foundation International, African YouthInitiative on Climate Change, Nigerian Youth Climate Action Network, 60+ EarthHour Nigeria, AIESEC Nigeria, Nigerian Youth Climate Coalition and BuzzentNetwork in bringing together children and youth during an event tagged ‘Abuja+20’ using the mycity+20 concept.

I have published articles in print newspapers and online on climate change and sustainable development issues and the role of youth. I am a feature writer on ‘ECONIGERIA’ a Nigerian Green Blog and the Adopt a Negotiator platform, a Global Campaign for Climate Action.

I belong to various networks of Youth & environmental journalist consisting of radio reporters, writers and editors. This serves as an important forum for communicating & advocating for climate change and sustainable development issues.

WAM Volunteering - Accra, Ghana
Putting into consideration that women and children are the most venerable to the effects of climate change, this let to my adventurous trip to Accra, Ghana to volunteer for the "What About Me' (WAM) Campaign. An initiative that seeks to promote the interest of children and the less privilege in the communities.

During the Official Launch of the Nigerian Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, I organized and coordinated a press conference for national & international media houses. The Nigerian Alliance is an initiative led by ICEED to introduce 10 million clean cookstoves to Nigerian homes & institution by 2020.

This Blog would focus mainly on Youth activities & actions towards militating against the effects of Climate Change while promoting and advocating for Sustainable Development.

Hamzy! is currently the Executive Assistant at the International Centre for Energy, Environment & Development (ICEED). A founding member and an Advisor for the Nigerian Youth Climate Action Network, a member Steering Committee of SustainNIGERIA. I am also a member of the Green Economy Task Force of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – Major Group for Children & Youth. In coming month, I would be contesting for the National Coordinator, African Youth Initiative on Climate Change Nigeria Chapter.

I believe that the future is now! And today is tomorrow! So let’s all come together as one, rise up to face this challenge before our environment would be no more! Together we can all make our environment better and safer for the generations yet unbornJ.
Group Photograph - 60+ Earth Hour Nigeria

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