Friday, September 28, 2012

On Climate Justice We Stand. By Friday Nathaniel Efik

Can Kyoto Protocol Be Doha Protocol or Doha Accord?

There’s no gainsaying the fact that some developed countries are plotting the death of the Kyoto Protocol; to say the obvious, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark also known as the 15th Session of the Conference of Parties (COP15), would have indeed laid a foundation of a new treaty to either replace the Kyoto Protocol or become a Post-Kyoto agreement; Perhaps the ‘Copenhagen Accord’ which was the outcome of COP15 would have completely become a ‘sealed deal’ as it was originally proposed, but unfortunately, the truth came as no surprise as Article 3.9 of the Kyoto Protocol (with emphasis added) which provides that: “Commitments for subsequent periods for Parties included to Annex 1 shall be established in amendments to Annex B to the Protocol, which shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of Article 21, paragraph 7” was used as a political tool in the hands of some ‘senior’ Annex 1 Part(ies).

Kyoto Protocol is not yoghurt; it does not have to expire before we must negotiate for climate justice? The Kyoto Protocol is the only legally binding international law that sets quantified commitment targets for each Annex 1 Party to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions; and the survival of the Kyoto Protocol is of utmost importance, especially since there is no better alternative. However, it’s time for both working groups (trackers) which are the Ad hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex 1 Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) & Ad hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) to Stand for Action! Stand for Justice!! Stand for a Deal!!!

What then shall we say, can ‘Kyoto Protocol’ become ‘Doha Protocol’ or a ‘Doha Accord’? Failure by the Annex 1 Parties to agree to the binding targets of Kyoto Protocol would certainly mean working away in departure from its legally binding (negotiating) mandate. While in the AWG-KP, the Annex 1 Parties are no doubt still promoting the so-called “Bottom-up” pledges which require targets far below what science and equity demand, the developing countries on the other hand, are demanding for a scientific and fair deal of emission reductions.

Nonetheless, it’s going to be a very disappointing effort if we all allow Bali Action Plan to find its way down the drain, because the developed countries will obviously gain huge success in passing the burden of climate change mitigation & adaptation onto the developing countries. If Kyoto Protocol is abandoned and a new deal sealed or agreed, the new international treaty on climate change may perhaps take many years to enter into force, that is, if at all it may ever enter into force.

The time to act is now! As youths, if we don’t fight for climate justice now, the run away climate change of today may be part of our future generation. Again, if we must survive the embarrassment of our great grandchildren yet unborn who certainly would ask us one day in the future, saying “Grandpa, what did you do to save the earth from dying from climate change? What did you do in the fight for climate justice?
Consequently, Let us all once again ask ourselves some questions as our grandchildren would ask 50years from now, ‘what did you do to save ‘Kyoto Protocol’? What did you do when ‘seal the deal’ in Copenhagen turned to ‘Copenhagen Accord’? What did you do when Kyoto Protocol was killed at Doha? Can ‘Doha Protocol’ replace ‘Kyoto Protocol? Can Protocol in Kyoto (1997) actually expire at Doha (2012) without any better alternative?

Well, Whether Kyoto or Doha, what we need is climate justice. On climate justice we stand!

Friday Efik is an environmental economist/climate change advocate. He was a Youth Party Delegate for COP15 in Copenhagen, Denmark 2009. He is the Founder/Director of Green Development Programmes Nigeria (GDP Nigeria); also the National President of the Nigerian Union of Ecological/Environmental Economists (NUEEs).

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